Code of Conduct
SCSC Code of Conduct 2024
The values we live by guide our daily actions and serve as a constant reminder of our commitments. They are also an integral part of how we as a club do business and link the high standards we set for ourselves with the everyday realities that influence how we make ethical conduct a way of life.
The code is not just a list of rules. It is intended to provide a means to maintain a higher standard of ethical behaviour, that is, and must be, expected of a club entrusted with providing a safe environment for members to participate in activities and functions. It is a guide for all members and their guests and provides a foundation that directs us in our decisions and behaviours.
The code does not cover all potential situations we as a club may face, and cannot address specific conflicts or violations that may occur. However, it is meant to set the tone for how we treat each other, how we as a club conduct business, and how we deal with conflict and violation.
The code covers six main tenets. These tenets are Respect, Accountability, Integrity,
Excellence, Diversity and Inclusion.
Stampede City Ski Club (SCSC) promotes an environment of tolerance and respect, in which all interactions between members, guests, executive and board members, service providers and the general public are based on respect - for each others opinions, experiences, perspectives, and contributions.
The SCSC regards courteous and responsible behaviour as the foundation of respectful behaviour. Additional components of respect that apply include trust, fairness, equity, honesty, integrity, commitment, and loyalty.
We bring our full energy, attention and commitment to our volunteer roles, our interactions in club activities, and our interactions with our members. We are accountable for our actions. We do not deliberately mislead or deceive. We seek clarification when unsure, and address concerns when we see wrongdoing, infractions, and inappropriate behaviours.
Integrity is the foundation of our behaviour, and it is through integrity that we earn trust. We are clear in our values, keep our commitments to the club and each other, and we do what is right. We use good judgement.
Excellence, first and foremost, applies to our mission to provide a safe and respectful environment for our members to enjoy activities and functions in a fun and respectful environment.
Diversity And Inclusion
We value diversity and inclusion and strive to create an environment where all members feel welcome and respected. We are committed to providing a safe environment for members, free from disrespect, harassment, verbal and physical abuse, bullying and any unwanted form of inappropriate behaviour.
Who Is Expected To Follow The Standards
These standards apply to all members, executives, and board of directors, as well as anyone hired to provide temporary services and independent contractors.
As members we need to know the standards and organisation policies that apply and ask questions of the leadership team when we are unsure. We also need to speak up when when we see or suspect misconduct.
Leaders, executives, and board members set high expectations for all members and lead by example. We promote open-door culture where members feel comfortable asking questions and reporting concerns, and are alert to potential misconduct in the SCSC and on sanctioned club activities.
SCSC members are empowered to create a great membership experience for themselves and others and that behaviours and activities are conducted with integrity.
Members play a critical role in ensuring the SCSC provides a great environment to pursue activities free from harassment, intimidation, and inappropriate conduct.
SCSC members play a crucial role in protecting our culture, reputation and brand.
All members have a voice, the freedom to speak up and share your concerns in a constructive open forum.
Right To Privacy
All members in the SCSC are entitled to their right to privacy. This right to privacy is an implied expectation within the context of respect and integrity for all members in the SCSC when taking part in club activities. It is also clear that a defining principle in accepting membership with the SCSC is that photos and videos of members participating in club activities are used to promote the SCSC
That said, in today’s society of cameras and audio recording devices being readily accessible and utilised, the SCSC has further defined this right to privacy as it pertains to photos, video clips and audio clips. The SCSC prohibits the use of any and all photos, video clips or audio clips of any member by another member while on club sanctioned activities with the expressed consent of that member. If you are asked to refrain from photographing another member please respect their rights.
Failure to respect a members right to privacy will result in a review of the actions by the Executive and Board under the SCSC Bylaws and enforcement of the Bylaws as necessary.
Anti-Retaliation Standard
SCSC will not tolerate vindictive and retaliatory behaviour or the victimisation or members who bring concerns forward regarding a potential violation of our Standards of Business Conduct Policy.
Conflicts of Interest
SCSC members have a duty to avoid and minimise conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest may develop when members have a difference of opinion, a personal interest, activity or relationship that can potentially interfere with or appear to interfere with your ability to make objective decisions in the best interests of the SCSC or interact effectively and respectfully with other members of the SCSC or third parties hired to work with the SCSC.
Conflicts can be difficult to identify and address. Some examples that may arise are when you:
Engage in activities that compete with the programs that the SCSC provides.
Work for or provide services to an alternate supplier of similar activities that erodes our ability to provide financially sound programs.
Act on behalf of the SCSC without the approval of the executive or the board of directors.
Have an ownership or financial interest in a supplier of services to the SCSC.
Use SCSC proprietary information to make gain or undermine the SCSC
Receive a gift or other favour for providing a service on behalf of the SCSC, for utilising the services of a particular business or establishment, for generating sales for and sponsor or advertiser as defined under the Gift and Entertainment Standard.
If you become aware of a potential conflict, you must disclose it. Many conflicts can be avoided or properly managed when disclosed promptly. SCSC members should disclose all potential conflicts to the Executive of the SCSC. Members of the Executive should disclose potential conflicts to the board chair. Members of the board of directors should disclose potential conflicts to the executive of the SCSC.
Gift and Entertainment Standard
SCSC defines a business courtesy as an item provided or offered where the recipient does not pay full value for said item. Business courtesies can come in many forms, including but not limited to gifts, meals, services, travel, monies, accommodation, discounts and other favours.
Giving or receiving or other business courtesies can be customary and accepted practices to build good will or express gratitude. However, giving or receiving courtesies with customers, suppliers or other third parties with whom the SCSC does business should be considered carefully and should never be considered or accepted if it might influence our professional relationships, compromise our business decisions, create a sense of obligation or give the appearance of doing so.
Trading items of value or services is strictly prohibited.
Any gift or courtesy received must be recorded accurately and disclosed to the SCSC executive.
You should always be aware how receiving gifts or courtesies is perceived by other members and the public.
Bribery And Corruption
SCSC operates fairly, honestly and with integrity in all business dealings. We do not use unfair practices to gain an advantage. Bribery, kickbacks and corruption of any sort will not be tolerated.
Members are prohibited from offering, promising, giving or accepting cash or equivalent to influence the outcome of club business decisions. Bribes are not limited to cash and can be any gifts, meals, services, travel, monies, accommodation, discounts and other favours.
Fraudulent Activity
SCSC is committed to the highest ethical standards in all business and service decisions, relationships and partnerships and prohibits all types of fraud, including asset misappropriation, financial and non financial misrepresentation. Members are expected to safeguard SCSC assets and report any potential fraudulent activity to the executive or board of directors.
Sales Practises And Marketing
SCSC operates on the quality of the services and programs we provide in all sales and promotional activities. All communication with our members and customers must be truthful and accurate. We sell quality and when we say something about our product we must be able to substantiate it.
Confidential Information
SCSC information should only be used for club purposes and should not be disclosed to outside parties or competitors. Even within the club, only those individuals who truly need to know the information, should receive the information required to conduct their duties.
Personal Data
SCSC maintains much personal data and information on assets. All collection, storage, transfer, uses and sharing of personal information are strictly controlled and governed. Every effort must be made to ensure the fundamental privacy and security measures are always followed to ensure the security of personal data when managing customer and partners personal data.
Any suspected data privacy breaches must be immediately reported to the SCSC Executive directly and at stampedecityskiclub@gmail.com
Books and Records
All members must ensure the accuracy and integrity of SCSC records. This includes the reliability and accuracy of books, records, financial reports, trip plans, bus contracts, accommodation contracts and any of the documents related to the business of the SCSC. Additionally, full, accurate, timely and understandable documents must be provided for executive and board requirements and public disclosure as required under SCSC bylaws. This includes fair representation and detail of all SCSC liabilities, revenues, costs, and assets, and any changes to assets and liabilities.

To promote healthy inclusive activity on and off the ski slopes, To create a fun environment for all members, to be Calgary's "Fun Club" to ski and board with, and to carve moments into friendships